Event Registration For {{event_info.data.qryEventByID.title}} | {{event_transaction.data.query_event_transactionByID_s.EventRegID}}

We found your record!

{{emailSearch.data.qryContacts[0].FirstName.concat(' ').concat(emailSearch.data.qryContacts[0].LastName)}}

Thank you for being a dues paying member!

We see that you are not currently a dues paying member!  If you would like to pay dues, please click the button below.

Pay Dues?
Ticket Prices
Description Price
{{event_price.toNumber().formatCurrency('$', '.', ',', 2)}}
Free! No Need To Register Them.
Delete {{var_delete_Qty.value}} Tickets  -  {{var_deleteDescription.value}} 

Ticket Totals

Type Type det Price Qty Total
Totals {{Trans_Details.data.qry_transaction_det.sum(`qty`)}} {{Trans_Details.data.qry_transaction_det.sum(`AttTotal`).formatCurrency('$', '.', ',', 2)}}

Once you have finished selecting your tickets, click on the button below to continue to the credit card payment page.

continue to Credit Card payment page

Once you have finished selecting your tickets, click on the button below if you plan to send a check or pay at the door.