Founder's Day Registration For:

The first step is to take your information and meal request and then you will be able to add guests and their meal choices. Please make your meal choice below.

WPSCF Member:  {{[0].AmountPaid.between( 1, 100000 ).then( "Yes", "Not For This Year" )}}
First Name:  {{[0].FirstName}}
Last Name:  {{[0].LastName}}
Address1:  {{[0].Address1}}
Address2:  {{[0].Address2}}
City, State Zip:  {{[0].City}}{{[0].State}}  {{[0].Zip}}
Meal Choice For:  {{[0].FirstName}} 
Ticket Price:
Total Cost($)

Finalize Registration


First name Last name Guest of Guest Meal Fdreg Guest category Price
{{FirstName}} {{LastName}} {{GuestOf}} {{Guest}} {{FDMenuID}} {{FDRegID}} {{GuestCategory}} {{Price}}
